My First Bergère Hat

After many years of being asked to make 17th and 18th century bergère hats, I have finally made one.

Why did I put off making this style? It came down to two factors: Shipping the brim size and sewing the brim size while keeping it flat.

While making 1850s hats with larger brims, I discovered 2 things: First, A certain library occasionally 14x14x6 inch boxes I can reuse. Second, I can shop said box with a hat for $18-$20 with insurance.  This is notably better than the $40-$60+ for shipping large 1800-1830s bonnets; the price of which makes me cringe.

Last weekend,  I was asked again about a 1770s bergère hat.  This time, I decided to add it to my list, knowing I could fit a 14″ one in a box.

Since then, I started a spreadsheet of extant bergère with what measurements are available to check diameters of brim and crown. In doing so, I noted the types of straw used and couldn’t help notice the straw embellishments. (I know another milliner has been recreating some straw embroidery beautifully.) The loops and figures around the crown and brim caught my eye.

Ideas started churning.

Now, I have several bergère in my imaginations that need to become a reality.

This first bergère hat began at the beginning of the week. Upon reaching the end of the hank, it asked for an artisan edge.

The brim is 14″ across, on the smaller side of bergère hats yet nearly the maximum my countertop can handle. The crown is 5″ across and less than 1″ deep. I did not wire the edge of this brim knowing these brims are often worn curved and tied under the coiffure. This lack of wire feels odd and incomplete to me as I wire the vast majority of my other pieces. (I could wire future brims and shape them to hold an up turned back.)

This particular hat is first being offered to the person who inquired last weekend. If it does not match her needs, it will be available in my shop. I currently have 2 boxes for this size hat. I happen to have 1 more bergère started.

Please do tell me your thoughts about this style. Depending on the response, I will see to acquiring (purchasing) additional boxes. (I find I can ship a 16x16x4 box for the same price. I should be able to do this size brim on my counter. )

Published in: on April 20, 2024 at 3:58 pm  Leave a Comment  

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