Today’s Millinery 

Today both Serenity and Galaxy are offering bonnets. 

First is a green straw spoon bonnet blocked on Serenity. I made this one so it will fit a smaller, rounder face. It was really hard to get the color of the straw in today light. 

Next is a natural straw cottage bonnet blocked on Galaxy. This bonnet has a gentle rise through the crown and a round brim with just a hint of flare. 

Both bonnets are available in my Etsy shop. 

Published in: on July 23, 2017 at 2:18 pm  Comments (3)  

3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. How would you decorate the cottage straw bonnet? Thanks

  2. A ribbon bavolet and ties the foster the wearer. A little color inside. Shallower flowers than a spoon.
    Here is an earlier example the is boldly colored. The flowers should be high in the brim, rather than on the sides for 1860.
    Ignore the text on this one. I would date it earth an 1865 and Not call it a poke. The decorating is simple and lovely.

  3. Here is a nice one:

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